How Page Position Affects Click Through Rates On Paid Search Ads

February 27, 2014

Are you ready to increase CTR (Click Through Rates) on your Paid Search Ad campaigns right now? What I’m about to tell you may change the way you look at paid search ads forever. The better (lower) the average position of your keyword, the higher the Click Through Rate (CTR) will be!

How to increase conversion rates: The research I did was fairly simple, but the findings are very telling. I collected data for this case study from one of our education clients: a niche university, whose headquarters are located in the Northeast, and offer online classes across the entire country. The two separate charts displayed two different data sets. The first showed the average position and CTR per month for the entire campaign over the last two years: average position and CTR per month for the entire campaign over the last two years The second showed the average position and CTR for each individual keyword over the past two years: average position and CTR for each individual keyword over the past two years.

What does this all mean? Well, I’ll tell you. As I’m sure you are aware, the better the average position, the more you are going to pay per click. The better the average position, the more clicks you will receive which in turn ends in more conversions. Now I’m not telling you to go and bid every single one of your keywords up and be in the 1st position. I am telling you to take into consideration your current positions and how they are performing. Consider what would happen if you took a keyword and increased it enough to take it from an average position of 3 to 2. Based on my research, you could easily double or triple your CTR which as I stated above leads to more clicks, which leads to more conversions.