Mason Interactive Launches YouTube Video Marketing- Google is constantly updating and fine tuning it’s search algorithm – and agencies scramble to stay on top of the changes. Google’s ongoing algorithm update code named “Panda” has been moving like a juggernaut and the aftermath has revealed some interesting changes. A big winner in the Panda updates is YouTube which is not surprising because Google’s owns YouTube. As a result more YouTube videos are showing up in the search engine results prompting many SEO strategists to include YouTube video marketing in their search engine optimization strategy. Not only are YouTube videos showing up in search results but YouTube has become one of the most visited sites on the web.

Here are the facts: 1) YouTube is the #3 most visited site on the web just behind Google & Facebook. 2) YouTube is now the #2 search engine on the web. 3) YouTube has 800,000,000 Unique Visitors and One trillion page views every month. Having a presence on YouTube is also great for branding and increasing your overall reach as a business and studies have showed that videos are more engaging than images and text on a website.

Mason Interactive will now offer YouTube video marketing to its clients to boost their presence in the major search engines. We believe YouTube video marketing will greatly improve business for our clients.