Most Effective Channel for Content Sharing? It’s not what you think, Smart Bikes?

Make News In Wearable/Smart Tech, Plus New Updates for Pinterest, Google+What You Missed On the Internet from What is the most effective channel for content sharing? EMAIL…duh [ socialtimes ] In a recent study, users overwhelmingly prefer sharing articles via email compared to Facebook and Twitter.

Adobe Report: Focus On Photos, Video & Posting On Fridays For Better Facebook Results [ MarketingLand ] Redundant: Mashable lists Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) in Top 10 Countdown of Brands on Social Media… [ mashable ]

WEARABLE TECH TREND – wearable tech news from Mason Interactive: Apple EarPods will reportedly feature a heart rate sensor and iBeacon Tech [ DigitalTrends ] Vanhawks spearheads a Kickstarter project to create a smart bike that can track rides and give directions [ TheVerge ] The publishing industry needs to prepare itself for the consolidation of wearable tech, as publishers will have a big role in wearables in the near future. [ ClickZ ]

PLATFORM WATCH – Platform News Alert: What the recent updates from Google+ mean for your brand [ VentureBeat ] Pinterest Guided Search launches on mobile [ SearchEngineLand ] APP HAPPY Appy Day ACOMPLI is already in the Top 10 after its Apple App Store premiere today [ VentureBeat ]

#MarketSmart Quotes: Great quotes that inspire us to be better advertisers, communicators, innovators and content creators for our clients! Topics include: advertising, client relations, creativity and innovation. branding according to Mean Girls

#MarketSmart Quotes: Great quotes that inspire us to be better advertisers, communicators, innovators and content creators for our clients! Topics include: advertising, client relations, creativity and innovation. The only way to succeed with your content marketing is to create content that is truly useful to your audience. Creating content that is a waste of time–filler, spam, link-bating–will hurt your brand’s credibility and reputation. Slide04

Audience Touchpoints for Digital Marketers – Learn How To Improve Your Marketing Performance by 50% in Two Steps:

It’s 2014 and most companies have been running online marketing campaigns for some 5 to 15 years, a common range. Over the years, your website probably went through multiple redesigns, platform updates, and content optimizations. So did your marketing strategy. By now, you likely have an email list, you’re well-versed in SEO, and you understand CTR (Click-Thru-Rates) and Conversion Rates. Sound familiar? If yes, that puts you in top 25% of most effective marketers out there! Nevertheless, we all know that there is always room for improvement and growth, but where do you start? In this article, I will explain how you can climb your way from top 25% to the top 1% of most effective online marketers.

The truth is – there is no secret, no magic voodoo, and any marketer can do it. All you need to do is align your messaging across all marketing campaigns and channels! Lets call this process – Cross-Channel Alignment. Here are the two simple steps:

Step 1: Run An All-Inclusive Inventory of Your Existing Audience Touchpoints. Audience Touch Points = all the various ways you are communicating to your audience, both past customers and prospective customers. For example, your main goal might be to acquire leads and then funnel them through a sales process. In this case, your online audience touch points are likely to be: Website on desktop/mobile/tablet, Google and Bing search ads, Organic search listings, Display media Social media ads (Facebook, LinkedIn), Social media community engagement (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, etc.), Email Checklist Icon. It’s worth to note that your offline presence (brochures, flyers, outreach programs, etc) also play a role in how you are perceived by the audience (online and off). If you are up for a bigger challenge, then go ahead and widen the scope of this exercise – add offline marketing efforts to your touchpoint inventory. Once you create this list of all the different ways you are already communicating with your audience, you are well on your way to take control and align your marketing efforts!

Step 2: Align Your Brand Messaging and Positioning Across All Touchpoints Puzzle Icon. Time to put all the puzzle pieces together! Revisit the Touchpoint List that you have just created and make sure you did not forget any other audience touchpoints you may have missed. Identify all the members of your marketing staff who are responsible for the actual posting and updating your touchpoints. If you are a small business, all of your monitored audience touchpoints may be overseen by just one person, a community-manager-of-all-trades, per say. However, it is more likely the case that your marketing team manages many moving parts of this puzzle. For example, the managers associated with each of your various touchpoints, could include: a Tech Team for website updates, Copywriter/Content Producer, SEO Account Manager, Email Campaign Specialist, Media Buying Manager, Graphic Designer (for website banners and ad banners), Social Media Community Manager etc. Believe it or not, when all creative/messaging/campaigns are aligned across all marketing channels, the effect is actually amplified All channels are likely to perform better when working in conjunction with each other, thus making this process worthwhile. It’s also a good idea to put all the players in contact on ongoing basis, touching base at least once per month. Misaligned campaigns is one of the most common problems in today’s ever-expanding digital marketing arena. It’s best to remain consistent and attentive to messaging, seasonal fluctuations, and time sensitive campaigns. I hereby declare you – a Holistic Marketer – top 1% of most effective marketers alive!

#MarketSmart Quotes: Great quotes that inspire us to be better advertisers, communicators, innovators and content creators for our clients! Topics include: advertising, client relations, creativity and innovation. In honor of Mad Men Season 7 premier last night, we’ve pulled our favorite marketing quotes from the show… MasonInteractiveMarketingQuoteMadMen

Twitter Redesign Copies Facebook, Comic Sans Is Trying To Make A Comeback, Brands Tap Into Popularity of Game of Thrones During Premiere.

What You Missed On the Internet from –

Platform News Alert: Twitter redesign looks a lot like Facebook. The website changes include new profile pages on Web, showing your best tweets, larger images and more. [TheNextWeb]

Calling the Font Police: Comic Sans designer updates the comically bad font to read and look at with “Comic Neue”… [TheVerge] What’s next? Updates for Lucida Handwriting, Chicago? Oh dear god, we hope not.

GONE VIRAL – Viral Trending Topic: Riding the Viral Tsunami that is Game of Thrones, Hootsuite has created it’s own version of the HBO show’s opening titles with “Game of Social” turning Westeros into different social platforms… Game of Social – In the News – MasonInteractive Other brands have also jumped on the season 4 GoT premiere via Twitter. [DigiDay] Our favorite is Sonic.