Digital marketing is like online dating, and you need to know how to play the game to stand out from the crowd. We’d like you to think of your website as an online dating profile. Your product might be wonderful, your website well-designed and your customer service is exceptional. But if your customers can’t find you, all of your hard work may never come to life.

Turn your website into a lead magnet with these digital marketing tips!


There’s plenty of fish in the sea, but don’t waste your time going after them all.

Know your audience, where they are and what they are looking for.


“I love traveling and being with friends.” Well, who doesn’t!

Don’t just say you sell ‘shoes’, instead catch the consumer’s eye with ‘women’s designer heels’.


Nobody likes surprises when meeting up in real life.

Show a realistic view of your products with good quality imagery.


Playing hard to get can push customers into competitors’ arms.

Make it easy to start a conversation with you and reply enquiries promptly.


Bombarding consumers with daily emails and remarketing ads is a definite turn off.

Create a subtle flow of communication to remind them you care.


It’s a date! But they can still escape through the window if you don’t give a good impression .

Encourage them to hit the purchase button by providing an irresistible offer.


It’s no secret your customer is probably dating other brands at the same time.

Turn the fling into a true romance with a customer loyalty program.

Looking to take your SEO to the next level? Check out Mason’s SEO matchmaker package here.

We are proud to announce that USATestprep, a leader in curriculum resources and test prep for high schools, has selected Mason Interactive as their Digital Marketing partner.

USATestprep has been helping students with high-stakes tests since 1998. With 2 million students using its products each school year, USATestprep offers a multitude of review products for subject area end-of-grade, end-of-course, graduation level, career readiness, and college entrance assessments.

Our team has been hired to strengthen USATestprep’s national presence and reach amongst  school districts and educators. We will achieve this through a comprehensive media management service that covers running, managing and optimizing USATestprep’s online media and advertising.

We’re so pleased to be selected by USATestprep. It is clients like this that contribute to our success and growth, says Mason Interactive CEO Brook Llewellyn Shepard. “This partnership will allow us to apply our advanced expertise in the education sector to bring greater efficiency and effectiveness to the client’s digital marketing efforts.

More about USATestprep here.

We were lucky enough to spend the AM at Casio’s North American HQ, to kick off our new client G-SHOCK watches. Thank you to the entire crew there for your time!

We are happy to announce that we’ve added another fantastic school to our client roll, the New Jersey Institute of Technology. We can’t spill all the details about what we’re doing (yet!!!) but when we can spill, we’ll spill as loud as we can 🙂

So that’s how Google is indexing Twitter searches? It’s weird to see Google essentially outsource search engine results to someone else. And by the way it’s awesome – Google’s ownsearch result for “Jose Reyes” said nothing about a trade.

Public Relations Influencer Marketing is a new hybrid offline/online marketing strategy, necessitated by changes in the way Google looks at backlinks. It’s a lot like traditional PR, except that it happens online. But the dirty secret is – it’s as traditional as traditional could be.

Backlinking (review our handy guide to backlinking if you want a refresher) has changed over the years. Stage 1: Quantity = Win. Getting your website to rank well in Google used to be comparatively easy. Very briefly, the more backlinks you had, the higher you ranked on Google. It was all about quantity. Stage 2: Quantity x Quality = Win. But then the Google gods said “Enough! Not all links are equal!” Suddenly where the links came from was more important than how many you had. SEOs scrambled to get more backlinks from websites with authority, because a link from was much better than a link from your Cousin Joe’s News Blog. Stage 3: Quantity x Quality x Relevancy = Win. Again the Google gods spoke and said “Enough! Not all good links are equal!” It now considers the quantity of backlinks only if they linked from contextually relevant on authoritative websites.

So, if you are a college, it’s no longer enough to get a link from the – now it has to be from the education section. With Backlinks devalued, where are we now? Here we are now, where even the word “backlink” sounds dirty. It was the foundation of an SEO’s job, and it’s completely changed in 4 years. It’s no longer something that can done in bulk. Instead, acquiring backlinks became a strategic manual effort that involves reaching out and communicating to humans with goal to have their online persona promote your product or service. Wait a minute…that concept sounds like something from marketing class in year 2000. I think it was called… Public Relations!