A backlink is a link back to another online page/post/picture. Backlinks are important because they are key signals in telling Google how to rank your website. I live on Beard St. in Brooklyn with my six-year-old son and wife. If we were at a dinner party with 10 people, and someone asked you “hey, I’m thinking about moving to Beard St. with my six-year-old kid. Do you have any advice?” You might point to me and say “No, but that guy does. You should talk to him.” That pointing, that referral, is the real-world equivalent of a backlink. The online equivalent would be my writing that this is the best film school in Chicago or this is the best restaurant in Red Hook or that for advice in school marketing you should visit us. In each of those three cases, I created a backlink. Very, very, very briefly: more backlinks to your website = more people online trust you = you show up higher than the competition in a search result. For more examples, or to see how your backlinks stack up to the completion, please write us.

Killing time here towards the end of a long Monday, playing our newest game. Here’s how it works: 1 – type something super dopey into Google, like “how do I fix…” or “where is the closest…” and see what Google auto-suggests. 2 – Go around the room guessing the answer 3 – Winner gets bragging rights.

An introduction to Wun Wun, AKA “the Uber of Urban Fetch.” Sell your Friendster stock and log out of Kozmo, because the newest internet sensation is here. It’s a (formerly) Free Urban Delivery Service called Wun Wun. Only available in NYC and San Francisco – for now – we first heard about it over Halloween. They ran Twitter ads offering free candy delivered for every app install – and I thought “well that’s a VC-backed activation if I ever heard of one.”

Use your Wun Wun app to get pretty much anything delivered. You tell the app what you want, where you want it from, and a real live human brings it, generally within the hour. Anyway, if you’re old enough to remember Urban Fetch (who lost money on every customer; the more business they had, the more money they lost!) and Kozmo, Wun Wun will sound awfully familiar. There is one new wrinkle; Wun Wun has a “sharing economy” twist. Like the fabled Uber driver who just picks up passengers in his off time for a few extra bucks, we’ve gotten Wun Wun deliveries from guys who said “yeah, I was on the way across town on my lunch break to see my girl, so I logged in and saw that you were on my way. Now I’ve got extra cash for lunch.” How does it compare to the buying ostrim meat sticks online, from a more-traditional vendor? Well it’s faster, slightly less professional and a lot more expensive.

Here’s a blow-by-blow of Wun Wun in action. Wun Wun ordering process Step 1 – Tell them what you want and where you want it from. Step 2 through 5 – back and forth over text message, clarifying your order (with a real live person). Step 6 more back and forth. Then the guy arrives. Ostrim Meat Stick. The actual product Wun Wun ordering process final step: Enjoying the fruits of my labor – if by “fruits” you mean “tasty processed meat sticks” and by “labor” you mean “clicking.”

Meet The Team is where we feature one member of our team a month, so you can get to know a bit more about us, apart from what our voices sound like on the phone during our weekly updates with you.

As Director of Accounts–yes ALL accounts–Julie is the one who makes sure we are doing the best work and getting the best results for our clients. Whether she’s suggesting a new strategy, offering creative solutions, or helping to set up a client on new platforms to increase their ROI, Julie is the glue that holds Mason together. An expert herself, in SEO, Paid Search, Email, and Social, Julie–in addition to keeping us all on task–also runs her own accounts.

Meet our secret weapon, Julie…If I wasn’t in digital marketing, I would… be a sociology researcher or data analyst (not very exciting… I know) If not in New York City, I would live… in Costa Rica If I had to be outdoors all day, I would… hike! or bike or surf or ski or climb. If I could go back in time for one decade, it would be… I hate going back. Forward is the only way to go. As A Teenager, I was totally into… climbing trees, especially those with ripe fruit in the summer. The fictional character I’d be best friends with in real life is… Daenerys Targaryen. The last thing I purchased online was… a few books and kid snowshoes. The last book I read was… The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle The last song I listened to was… Holding On For Life by Broken Bells. My cocktail of choice is… Champagne.

Interactive Account Manager, Paid Search & Media Schedule: Full-time salaried position. Pay: 37.5K to 42.5K annually.

Hi. We’re looking to hire someone to run PPC (and related media) in our NYC office. We’re a 7-year-old firm with about 13 employees, and we help our clients sell, promote, and market their products online on Google, Facebook, MSN, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. The ideal candidate is someone who works a big agency and knows their stuff, but is bored by the bureaucracy – annoyed at having to run everything through levels of management. Here, you’ll have direct responsibility to try out your ideas, your strategies and your plans. You must have experience with Adwords, MSN, and Yahoo. A good attitude helps too 🙂 Responsibilities include: Full responsibility for running 1-to-4 accounts. This means you’ll be client-facing, doing behind the scenes work, doing research and reporting, and more. Please send a resume to hello@masoninteractive.com.