As we move through 2024 into 2025, digital advertising is rapidly evolving, bringing new opportunities and challenges for businesses looking to connect with audiences. One key trend is programmatic advertising—an automated way of buying and selling ads online. Let’s explore how this is reshaping digital marketing and what it means for the future.

1. What is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising uses technology to automatically buy and sell digital ads in real-time, making the process more efficient and targeted. Unlike platforms like Google or Meta, where ads are displayed within their ecosystems, programmatic advertising allows businesses to place ads across a wide range of websites, apps, and platforms, such as:

  • News Sites: Ads on sites like CNN or BBC.
  • Niche Blogs: Ads on specialized websites like fashion blogs or tech forums.
  • Streaming Services: Ads on platforms like Hulu or YouTube.

This broad reach helps brands optimize their campaigns and ensure their ads are seen by the right people, wherever they spend time online.

2. The Rise of Connected TV (CTV) Ads

Connected TV (CTV) ads are growing rapidly as more viewers stream content from services like Netflix or Hulu. These ads allow brands to reach audiences in a more personalized and engaging way. For example, while watching a cooking show, you might see ads for kitchen gadgets or meal kits tailored to your interests, making CTV ads an effective tool for connecting with specific audiences.

3. Privacy Concerns and Data Protection

As privacy concerns increase, the way companies use your data for advertising is changing. Traditionally, advertisers used “cookies”—small data files on your browser—to track activity and deliver ads. With growing awareness around privacy, companies are finding new ways to collect and use information responsibly.

  • Walled Gardens: Closed ecosystems like Google or Facebook aim to keep user data secure and use it for targeted ads without sharing it with outsiders. Ideally, these platforms balance privacy with effective advertising, but concerns remain about transparency and data use.
  • The Trade Desk: An alternative approach, The Trade Desk, operates across the open internet, allowing ads to appear on many websites and apps. It uses advanced privacy tools like Unified ID 2.0, a privacy-compliant identifier that ensures user data remains secure and anonymous. This method helps build trust while allowing advertisers to reach their target audiences effectively.

4. The Trade Desk: Expanding Access for Mason Clients

The Trade Desk offers unique advantages for clients like Mason Interactive, who seek to expand their digital reach:

  • Premium Inventory: Ads on high-quality sites and apps, beyond just Google or Meta.
  • Cross-Channel Reach: Advertise across mobile, desktop, and CTV.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Advanced tools for analyzing ad performance and audience engagement, enabling more effective targeting and better ROI.

5. The Impact of New Technologies Like AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming digital advertising by helping companies understand consumer behavior and preferences, create more personalized ads, and detect fraudulent activity. However, AI also introduces challenges, such as changing search patterns that impact ad visibility.

6. What’s Next for Digital Advertising?

Key trends shaping the future include:

  • Commerce Media Expansion: Media networks beyond retail are using unique customer data for richer experiences.
  • Improved Measurement Tools: New tools help track success across multiple channels.
  • Data Clean Rooms: Secure environments for combining and analyzing data without privacy violations.

Digital advertising is transforming with new technologies, privacy rules, and changing consumer habits. Businesses that understand these trends can better connect with their audiences and achieve their marketing goals.

Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of attending Google’s Think Retail NYC, a major annual event held at the iconic St. John’s Terminal. As one of Google’s premier events, alongside Think Lead Gen and Google Marketing Live, it was packed with valuable insights to help retailers and marketers alike navigate the upcoming holiday season.

“Make Every Holiday Connection Count”

Jochen Heck, Vice President of Sales at Google, kicked off the event with a powerful keynote, emphasizing the importance of making every holiday connection count. This set the stage for a day full of strategic insights.

Session Highlights: “State of Retail: What to Expect This Holiday Season”

One of the most insightful sessions was the “State of Retail,” where economists discussed consumer sentiment and emerging trends. It was eye-opening to see how consumer behaviors are evolving, and these were the key takeaways:

  • Shifting Holiday Timelines: In 2023, the breakdown of Q4 sales revealed some surprising shifts:
    • 29% of sales occurred in the pre-holiday period (October).
    • 22% of sales happened during the “Early Holiday” phase (November 1st through the day before Thanksgiving).
    • Only 7% of sales were made during Cyber 5 (Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday).
    • 36% of sales took place during the “Peak Holiday” period (Cyber Monday through Christmas Eve).
    • 6% of sales happened in the “Post-Holiday” phase (Christmas through December 31st).

Looking ahead to 2024, three factors are likely to impact these trends:

  1. The Presidential Election: The U.S. election will likely lead to elevated media consumption and potentially distracted consumers.
  2. A Compressed Shopping Season: With five fewer shopping days post-Thanksgiving this year, the holiday season will be more compressed.
  3. Changing Shopping Behaviors: Every day counts more than ever. Data from the session highlighted that:
    • During COVID, weekday sales outpaced weekend sales.
    • In 2023, weekend sales rebounded, with consumers spending more on average during weekends.
    • E-commerce is 1.4X more important during weekdays, accounting for 40% of sales on an average weekday, compared to 28% on an average weekend.

Key Takeaways

  • Post-election, half of the country may have a negative outlook, impacting consumer sentiment.
  • The shopping window is compressed, making every marketing effort count.
  • E-commerce plays a crucial role, especially on weekdays.

“Mastering the Holiday Mindsets: Drive Relevance and Boost Confidence”

The second presentation focused on driving relevance and boosting confidence for holiday success by understanding shoppers’ mindsets.

  • Generational Preferences: Shopping behaviors vary widely across generations. Gen Z and Millennials favor direct brand purchases, while Gen X leads in adopting new platforms like Temu. Boomers prefer department stores and discount retailers.
  • Pricing and Promotions: This year, pricing and promotions are more critical than ever. Consumers value a combination of price and quality, with promotions being 5% more important compared to last year. Competitive pricing and convenient shipping options are key to capturing consumer interest.

The Four D’s of Holiday Shoppers

The second presentation focused on driving relevance and boosting confidence for holiday success by understanding shoppers’ mindsets.

  1. Deliberate Shoppers: These shoppers plan and seek clear product information. Early marketing and transparent communication are essential for capturing their attention.
  2. Deal-Seeking Shoppers: Focused on finding the best deals, these shoppers value both discounts and high-quality products.
  3. Determined Shoppers: This group is focused on making purchases and needs confidence in their choices. Early visibility and consistency throughout the season are crucial.
  4. Devoted Shoppers: Loyal to their preferred brands, these shoppers expect personalized communication and relevant product recommendations based on their browsing history.

Key Takeaways

The second presentation focused on driving relevance and boosting confidence for holiday success by understanding shoppers’ mindsets.

  • Start Early: With a compressed shopping window, it’s important to begin marketing campaigns early and maintain visibility throughout the season.
  • Focus on Value: Offer a mix of price and quality, which resonates well with value-seeking consumers.
  • Personalize Experiences: Use consumer data to tailor communications and recommendations, fostering trust and relevance.

For the full data set and sources, please contact your Account Manager at Mason Interactive.

Google often keeps details of its algorithm updates under wraps. However, the two significant Google Core Algorithm Updates in March 2024 caused considerable volatility in the organic search results, prompting the search industry to closely analyze Google’s announcements and monitor the SERPs for insights. These updates have sparked much discussion in the SEO community. This article will explore these pivotal updates and Mason’s response to them.

’24 Algorithm Update

At the beginning of March, Google announced its first core algorithm update of 2024, and it was major. Over the years, the process for rolling out algorithm updates has evolved and in this update, Google decided to roll out two core updates in one. One was the March 2024 Spam Update and the other was the March 2024 Core Update

’24 Spam Update

This update rolled out on March 5th and completed on March 20th. As it suggests in the name, this update was aimed toward spammy websites with three new spam policies: expired domain abuse, scaled content abuse, and site reputation abuse. All three of these policies target websites that have a sole purpose of manipulating the search results by hosting content that “provides little to no value to users” –Google.

Examples of content banned in recent policies:

  • Expired Domain Abuse: Someone might purchase a domain previously used by a medical site and repurpose that to host low-quality casino-related content, hoping to be successful in Search based on the domain’s reputation from previous ownership.
  • Scaled Content Abuse: Websites with AI-generated un-original content created to manipulate the search results.
  • Site Reputation Abuse: Third-party websites that have little to no oversight from the first-party website. One example would be a sports site hosting a page written by a third party about “workout supplements reviews”, where the sports site’s editorial staff had little to no involvement in the content and the main purpose of hosting the page is to manipulate search rankings.

As part of this spam update, many websites faced a ‘manual action’ by Google, which resulted in partial or complete removal from the SERP.

Source: Search Engine Land

Details on the March 2024 Core Update

This update also rolled out on March 5th and was expected to take up to a month to complete. The update ended up finishing on April 19th, 45 days after it began rolling out, but Google didn’t announce it was complete until April 26th

This core update was noted to be more complex than other previous updates and required changes to multiple core systems that make up the algorithm.

The main goal behind the March 2024 update, the first update in 2024, was to reduce the amount of low-quality and unhelp content in the SERP by 40%, but a Google spokesperson said that after the update finished rolling out it ended up being about a 45% reduction.

Desktop SERP Volatility (Real-Time)

Mobile SERP Volatility (Real-Time)

How the Mason SEO Team Handles Major Algorithm Updates

The strategy of the Mason SEO Team in response to Google’s core algorithm updates is designed to maximize stability and performance amidst changes. Here’s how we manage:

  • Prioritize High-Quality Content: Our approach centers around maintaining excellent content standards by staying true to Google’s emphasis on unique and high-quality content.
  • Monitor Performance Closely: We continuously monitor fluctuations in rankings and traffic during the rollout of updates, identifying any significant changes that might affect our strategies.
  • Respond to Volatility: Algorithm updates often lead to initial volatility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Our team keeps a steady course during these periods and waits for the SERP to stabilize.
  • Evaluate and Adjust: Post-update, we assess the impact on our rankings and traffic. We make targeted adjustments to align with the new search algorithm criteria if necessary.
  • Continuous Improvement: We use insights from each update to refine and evolve our SEO strategies, ensuring resilience against future changes.

During the March 2024 Algorithm Updates, we’re proud to say we did not face any manual actions from Google amongst our client roster.

In Summary

The March 2024 algorithm updates from Google brought significant changes to the search landscape, leaving many in the SEO industry to speculate and adapt. The dual rollout of the March 2024 Spam Update and Core Update targeted spammy practices and aimed to improve the quality of search results by addressing issues such as expired domain abuse and low-quality content. While the updates caused fluctuations in SERP rankings for many websites, those adhering to high-quality content standards, like the Mason SEO Team, weathered the changes without facing manual actions from Google. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, focusing on quality content remains paramount for maintaining search visibility amidst algorithmic shifts.

In the ever-evolving landscape of online privacy, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses aiming to connect meaningfully with customers while respecting their privacy concerns. Recently, Google announced updates regarding the phase-out of third-party cookies, a move that will significantly impact digital advertising and user tracking practices across the web. As your trusted partners in digital marketing, Mason is here to provide insights and guidance on what these changes mean for you and how you can prepare for a cookieless future.

Understanding the Update

Google’s announcement regarding the Privacy Sandbox outlines a revised plan for the deprecation of third-party cookies on Chrome. The decision stems from the need to address feedback from various stakeholders, including industry players, regulators, and developers. Additionally, to ensure a thorough review process, Google is collaborating closely with regulatory bodies like the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Consequently, the completion of third-party cookie deprecation has been postponed from the second half of Q4, with plans now set for an early start in 2025, pending resolution of concerns with the CMA.

Implications for Businesses

While this extension provides more time for preparation, it underscores the importance for businesses to adapt their strategies for a cookieless future. Whether you’re leveraging Google ads products or managing your own website, proactive measures are crucial for maintaining seamless user experiences and effective marketing campaigns.

For advertisers and publishers utilizing Google ads products, adherence to recommended best practices remains paramount. Take advantage of this additional time to ensure your readiness and familiarize yourself with the evolving guidelines provided by Google.

Moreover, for website owners, understanding the dependencies on third-party cookies is essential for optimizing user experiences. Conduct assessments to identify and address any 3P cookie dependencies ahead of the Q4 advertising season and year-end code freeze. The Privacy Sandbox team has published guidance to assist in this process, enabling you to navigate the transition smoothly.

Addressing Common Questions

To provide further clarity, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

  • Q: What prompted the updated plan for third-party cookie deprecation?
  • The decision to revise the timeline stems from the need to reconcile feedback from stakeholders and allow ample time for regulatory review. Additionally, considerations for the Q4 advertising season and ecosystem feedback influenced the decision to commence deprecation in early 2025.
  • Q: Will the deprecation start in January?
  • While precise timing is subject to resolving concerns with the CMA, Google aims to initiate third-party cookie deprecation early in 2025. Stay updated on for the latest developments.
  • Q: Does this mean Chrome won’t expand beyond 1% third-party cookie deprecation in 2024?
  • Any expansion beyond 1% will be done in consultation with the CMA and with notice to the ecosystem, ensuring transparency and alignment with regulatory requirements.
  • Q: Why wasn’t there prior notification about this announcement?
  • Due to the sensitivity of the update and to ensure fairness to all parties, Google did not provide advance notice to ecosystem participants. Rest assured, we are committed to keeping you informed and prepared for upcoming changes.

As the digital landscape evolves, proactive adaptation is key to maintaining competitiveness and compliance. At Mason, we are dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the transition to a cookieless future successfully. Stay tuned for further updates and guidance as we continue to monitor developments in online privacy and advertising technology. Together, we can embrace change and forge ahead with confidence in the digital realm.

Working with a Google Partner

The Google Partners program is tailored for advertising agencies and third parties managing Google Ads accounts on behalf of brands or businesses. Its mission is to empower companies by providing innovative tools, resources, and support to help their clients succeed and thrive online.

To find out more about how you can benefit from our partnerships, send us a message at, or book a meeting with our team of experts, here.

As we bid farewell to yet another exciting Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) shopping frenzy, it’s imperative to reflect on the performance metrics that shaped this year’s Cyber Week landscape. CPMs were up. Clients hit their goals. Our most successful clients diversified their media mix to reach customers where they are, thus achieving a lower blended CPM. The data speaks volumes, providing valuable insights to guide your brand’s future strategies.

Here’s a snapshot of key trends and takeaways from the BFCM advertising landscape:

Meta (formerly Facebook) Dominates, but at a Cost:

  • Black Friday: Year-over-year (YoY) CPMs surged by +15.1% to $29.30.
  • Cyber Monday: The upward trend continued, with CPMs rising by +14.4% to $32.29.
  • Takeaway: Unsurprisingly, advertising costs on Meta are on an upward trajectory. While the platform remains a powerhouse for reaching customers, brands need to factor in the rising expenses and optimize their platform strategies accordingly.

TikTok: Affordable Authenticity Shines:

  • Black Friday: YoY CPMs took a nosedive, decreasing by -33.6% to a cost-effective $10.91.
  • Cyber Monday: The trend continued, with a -7.5% decrease, bringing CPMs to $11.54.
  • Takeaway: TikTok emerges as a beacon of affordability, providing brands with a dynamic and authentic platform to engage shoppers. The significant drop in CPMs signifies an opportunity for brands to leverage TikTok for a cost-effective, diversified advertising strategy.

The Trade Desk: Efficiency Personified:

  • Black Friday: The Trade Desk stole the show with an impressive average CPM of $3.74.
  • Cyber Monday: Efficiency at its peak, with CPMs plummeting to an astonishing $1.75.
  • Takeaway: For brands aiming for efficiency without compromising reach, The Trade Desk proves to be a standout performer. With remarkably low CPMs, brands benefit from increased visibility, contributing to heightened Brand and Direct searches.

Key Action Items:

  • Diversify Platforms: While Meta remains influential, consider diversifying your ad spend across platforms like TikTok to capitalize on cost-effective authenticity.
  • Optimize Meta Strategies: Given the rising CPMs on Meta, focus on refining your targeting, creative, and bidding strategies to maximize the impact of your ad dollars.
    • Our audience technology allows us to do just that. 
  • Explore The Trade Desk: If efficiency is a priority, consider allocating budget to The Trade Desk for a cost-effective approach that doesn’t compromise on reach.
    • The Trade Desk is a platform to buy premium advertising inventory via publishers and streaming services (CTV), in an extremely targeted and cost-effective manner.
    • We pay an annual fee of $200K for our seat at TTD so you don’t have to. 😉

The Path Ahead:

BFCM represents only 10% of the holiday shopping season. With December – and Q5 – upon us, it’s not too late to take advantage of consumer buying trends and meet customers where they are. Leverage the insights gained during BFCM to fine-tune your strategies, ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind throughout the entire holiday season.

Until next time ✌️

Contact us to schedule a free consultation with our digital experts, and take the first step on your journey.

In the realm of digital advertising, the strategies employed to maximize ROI are as diverse as the platforms themselves. When it comes to paid social media advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, two primary approaches stand out: optimization and true A/B testing. While both aim to improve campaign performance, they differ significantly in their methodologies and long-term impact.

Optimization: The Art of Continuous Refinement

Optimization involves the constant refinement of ad elements based on ongoing performance data. Marketers leverage machine learning algorithms and platform insights to adjust variables like audience targeting, ad creative, and bidding strategies. This approach is akin to fine-tuning a musical instrument to produce the best possible sound.

By utilizing optimization, advertisers can swiftly respond to changing trends and audience behaviors. For instance, if a particular ad resonates more with a specific demographic, the platform will allocate more resources to display that ad to a broader audience within that demographic. This iterative approach ensures that your campaign maintains relevance and efficiency, driving better results over time.

  • Continuous monitoring of campaign performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition.
  • Adjusting bidding strategies based on real-time data to optimize ad delivery and budget allocation.
  • Refining audience targeting parameters to ensure ads reach the most relevant and engaged users.
  • Tweaking ad creatives, headlines, and descriptions to maximize engagement and conversion rates.
  • Testing different ad formats (e.g., carousel ads, video ads) to identify the most effective format for your audience.
  • Adapting campaign elements based on seasonality, trends, and changes in user behavior.
  • Utilizing platform-specific optimization tools to enhance product visibility and sales.

True A/B Testing: The Scientific Approach to Insightful Results 

True A/B testing takes a more structured and scientific approach. It involves running controlled experiments by creating multiple ad variations, each differing in a single aspect, such as ad copy, image, or call-to-action. These variations are then randomly presented to different segments of the target audience. By carefully measuring the performance of each variation, advertisers gain precise insights into the impact of individual elements on campaign success.

Unlike optimization, which focuses on refining what’s already performing, true A/B testing allows marketers to make informed decisions about which specific changes yield the most significant improvements. For example, if you’re uncertain whether a humorous or a serious tone works better with your audience, A/B testing can provide concrete data to guide your creative choices.

  • Identifying specific variables to test, such as ad copy, imagery, headlines, calls-to-action, and audience segments.
  • Creating multiple versions of ads, each with a single variable changed while keeping other elements consistent.
  • Implementing randomized distribution of ad variations to different segments of the target audience.
  • Monitoring and collecting data on key performance metrics for each ad variation, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement rates.
  • Analyzing the collected data to determine which specific changes had a significant impact on performance.
  • Iteratively refining ad elements based on the insights gained from A/B testing results.
  • Applying the knowledge gained from A/B tests to inform future campaign strategies and creative choices.
  • Conducting follow-up tests to validate and build upon the findings of initial A/B tests.

Choosing the Right Path for Your Campaign

Both optimization and true A/B testing have their merits, and the choice between the two depends on your campaign goals and resources. If you’re seeking quick adaptations and overall improvements, optimization might be your go-to strategy. On the other hand, if you’re looking for deeper insights into the effectiveness of specific ad elements, true A/B testing is the path to take.

Remember that both optimization and true A/B testing are not mutually exclusive. They can complement each other, with optimization helping to fine-tune campaigns based on broader trends and A/B testing providing insights into the effectiveness of specific changes.

Ultimately, the choice between these approaches depends on your campaign objectives and the level of insight you’re seeking. Whether you’re aiming for ongoing refinements or in-depth analysis, a combination of both optimization and true A/B testing can help you make the most of your paid media advertising efforts on Facebook and Instagram.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation with our digital experts, and take the first step on your journey.